Development Education & Environment Protection Society, Dharmapuri

Add.: Aruna Meenakshi Nagar, Reddiapatti
Pin: 636810
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4342-255552, 91-4342-254886
Contact Person: M.Shankar
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Envisage the society where un reached section in civil society can lead life with dignity and social justice. Politicize civil society towards access to livelihood resources and obtaining mainstreaming services. To enhance economic status of women. To increase literacy rate among girl child. To minimize IMR /MMR and Female Infanticide. To Ensure Food security. To address social issues. Strategized social institutions cbos as a tool to empower and animate for collective action. To activate existing system in an alliance with various stakeholders. Food insecurity. Female infanticide. Education of girl children. Declining of sex ratio. Re productive health rights. Climate change, rights & livelihood resources of tribal community.

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