DDS – Dindigul District Hiv Positive Society
Add.: New Agraharamram Petrol Bunk Back Side, Palani Road
Pin: 624001
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-451-2421981
Contact Person: A. Paul Raj
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : All people, adults and children living with HIV/AIDS in Dindigul, should live a life of dignity, free from stigma and discrimination and have access to social and legal resources, right to access for care and treatment, support programs and activities in Dindigul. Empowering people living with HIV/AIDS to access rights and a better quality of life objectives improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Dindigul district provide a safe environment for people living with hiv in build the skills and capacity of people living in dindigul district. Reduce stigma and discrimination towards Plwha in Dindigul district. Promote networking and linkages among the other stake holders and service providers. Promote the greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS (gipa) advocate for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS create awareness and prevent further infection among various groups.
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