Coodu Trust, Dindigul
Add.: H 83, R.M.Colony
Pin: 624001
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-451-2461362
Contact Person: Jagadeesan.S
Purpose : Enrich environment.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Creating an egalitarian, self-reliant society by adopting latest and appropriate technologies sustained through participatory community efforts, The mission of coodu trust is to create an egalitarian society thereby reducing disparity between classes through a gender-based and human rights approach. It seeks to create a self-reliant society by harnessing use of information technology enhancing productivity, speed, accountability and thereby overall efficiency in project management. It also seeks to build relationships within communities by adopting participatory methods, ensuring that the benefits of development reach the disadvantaged and marginalized. Improve the overall socio, conomic conditions of the poor, needy and disadvantaged communities. Undertake need based, people oriented, research and action based programmes in various developmental issues.
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