ARD Foundation, Madurai
Add : 16, Bharathiyar Main Road, K. Pudur
Tamil Nadu
Tel :
Mobile : 77083 66875
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Prasanna Jeyaraman
Purpose : Agriculture, Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Art And Craft, Awareness Generation, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Issues, Economics And Finance, Employment, Energy.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The main objects of the society shall be to promote rural development not only by means of economically and also improvement of health and social quality of rural people. To promote basic needs of the rural people, such as education & literacy, art & culture, health and family welfare etc. To develop agricultural, animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries. To work amongst the agriculturists to promote natural fertilizer, bio diversity, green movement etc. To promote farmer?s clubs. To promote employment opportunity for the rural people. To work for the environmental improvement with afforestation programmes, to control use of plastics, preserving natural resources etc. To run institutions to develop bio-technology, environment, forest, scientific & industrial research and science & technology. To develop awareness about fundamental rights, information & communication technology, legal awareness. To take care of the aged and elderly people. To work along with welfare organization for common objects. To organize camps, training programmes, competitions, seminar, conferences, symposiums, exhibition, in order to develop creativity, personality and scientific outlook amongst the students. To recognize the local talented people. To receive donations, grants, gifts, subscriptions and contributions with in India and internationally to carry out the objects of the foundation. To contribute to charitable funds, institutions and organizations of similar nature. To establish and maintain endowment funds for providing scholarship, education loan, books and reading materials to the students from weaker section of the society. To provide technical education and imparting computer and technology trainings to the needy people. To affiliate to any national or international organizations and to co-operate with them in all matters concerning the common interests and welfare. To acquire, take on lease and improve immovable and movable properties in the name of the society to carry out the objects of the society. To sell or dispose of any movable or immovable properties of the society which are not required or become old to carry out the objects of the society. To open and run branch offices and regional offices at one or more places that may be necessary to carry out the objects of the society. To do all other things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
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