Annai Joy Kiruba Trust, Madurai
Add.: 14, Gopinathan Nagar II Street, A. Kosakulam
Pin: 625017
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 91-94433 94172
Contact Person: Sivakumar
Purpose : To help the destitute children, women.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To provide medical facilities to public those who are desperately in need. To establish, maintenance, running, development, improvement and extension of hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, maternity houses. To support the self help group and young entrepreneurs, to succeed in their endeavors. To start and maintain training centres of different technical skills like tailoring, typing, handicraft works, Industrial training institute of the ordinary and technologically highly sophisticated kinds etc., and to provide such industrial Institutional facilities without any discrimination as caste, creed, sex or nationality. To grant, pay or give scholarship, stipends, prizes rewards allowance or help in cash or kind to students with a view to help them in prosecuting their studies in schools, colleges, educational institutions, technical institutions, art schools, institutions teaching commercial and other arts including teaching of cultural arts music or other training research or educational works in India.
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