Hand To Hand Welfare Society, Gurdaspur
Add : Khanuwan Road
Tel : 0187-1501567
Mobile : 90565 03504
Email : Handtohandwelfaresociety@Hotmail.Com
Website :
Contact Person : Ramneek Sangar
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Education, Employment, Governance, Herbal Medicine, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Pollution, Society And Economy.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aid to poor & needy person tree plantation, general awareness, to establish and maintain educational institutions, libraries, computer educations, etc. To establish and maintain dispensaries/hospitals, school, colleges, educational center of the weaker section of the community to construct, repair, maintain or improve buildings & other related place donated to the society. To accept grants, donations, gifts & subscriptions, raise loan either in the form of cash or kind from govt. Or other private donor, & to raise e lone from govt. Or from other private institutions and utilize the same in the fulfillment of the achievements of the aims & objects of the society to render any social, moral and financial assistance for betterment of life of any girl or boy, widow or widower from time to time and to give financial assistance in the marriage of any poor girl. To do other ancillary act and thing for fulfillment of the aims and object of the society.
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