Hakim Kartar Singh Bhatia Memorial Charitable Society, Gurdaspur

Add : Bhatia Hopsital, Harchowal Road
Tel : 91-1872-220151
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Contact Person : Dr. B. S. Bhatia
Purpose : Social work
Aim/Objective/Mission : The foundation of Hakim Kartar Singh Bhatia Charitable Society as laid down long way back in 1983, when a group of few members, with an aim of serving the community conceived the idea of founding a charitable society in the name of Late Hakim Kartar Singh Bhatia , a very well known social worker of the region. During the initial years, Punjab was in grip of terrorism and this area was particularly affected. But even during those dark days of terror, the newly formed society did not rest, instead took a front seat in helping the families affected, providing them with necessary medical care and basic health care facilities.
In 1993, qadian and its surrounding areas once again came under the wrath of nature, this time in shape of floods which affected almost 98% population of region. HKSB Society once again, living to its past, in order to prevent the onset of epidemic, came into action and members of this society went on war footage. The drinking water tanks in the region were chlorinated while KMNO4 was added to stagnant water in the region. Not only this, food, medicines and other necessary healthcare stuff were supplied to the villages. The work done by the society was appreciated by the community and members were honored at various functions.
It was in 1994, that to help in better functioning of various projects undertaken by the society, a permanent office located at Bhatia Hospital, harchowal road Qadian was established. Later in 1997, the society was registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 with H/O at Harchowal Road, Qadian. Since then, living its legacy, now as a registered body, this society has been working for betterment of people by undertaking various projects from time to time.
The permanent projects taken up by the society are : Yearly free eye camp. Medical camps. Female foeticide. Anti drugs campaign.

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