Gyanpunj Educational Society, Hoshiarpur
Add : C/o NICE Computers
Tel :
Mobile : 91-94170 24547
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Prem Saini
Purpose : IT education, empowering youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : A society based on legitimate rights, equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity and a culture of service in which all are self-reliant.
To provide basic education to more and more children from underprivileged sections.
To educate children between 5+ and 12 years of age from the slums through non-formal methods of teaching.
To provide an opportunity to the children to hone their natural talents in extra curricular activities like painting, various arts, music, dance and games etc.
To provide opportunities to volunteers to disseminate their knowledge and utilize their expertise in various fields to educate the children in life skills.
To inculcate good human values in the children and to lay the foundation for their characters.
To provide livelihood skills to unemployed youth (girls) and housewives of the locality.
To provide an opportunity to senior citizens for enriching their knowledge, getting entertained, involving themselves in social activities and bonding with the children.
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