Bright Sparks Charitable Trust, Mohali

Add : D-12 Ind Area Ph 1
Tel :
Mobile : 91-99202 43030
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Contact Person : Mrs Nimrat Kaur Khurana
Purpose : Eradication of child labour
Aim/Objective/Mission : Brightsparks charitable trust is a non profit organization that aims to facilitate pathways into education and vocational training for working children and work towards the eradication of child labor. Our target group is children living in slum areas who are working to earn a livelihood and do not receive any formal education.
The work of bright sparks is shaped by the un convention of ?the rights of the child” and we intend to promote children?s rights as fully as possible through the work we do.
The project is currently in its eighth year with eighty-two children either attending mainstream school or a cr?che within their local community. These children are affected both directly and indirectly by child labor and poverty. Bright sparks is proving to be a success not only with the children but also with their families and community. The project was registered as a charity in october 2002.
The sponsorship money covers the child?s educational expenditure, such as school fees, school uniform, books and stationery and tuition fees. Essential health care and medicines are also paid for. Additionally families are reimbursed for the money lost if their child had previously been earning a wage.

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