Ariels the Christ Followers, Ludhiana
Add : 2234/C/54/B-11, Near Play Ground
Tel :
Mobile : 91-98780 76205
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Benjamin Yunas, Abhishek Nathaniel
Purpose :
Aim/Objective/Mission : We take this opportunity to introduce as the Ariels the Christ followers a group in Ludhiana.
To poors which includes medical aid, clothes and food to the poor and all the slum people who are below the poverty line.
We try to provide education by providing books, stationery and uniforms to poor student and also by the remissions the fees and in other basic things.
We organize camp and seminars in villages and slum areas to provide awareness against the disease and their preventive and curative methods, we also give counselling to the people about family planning and keeping clean and healthy environment for the better living.
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