Elimination Of Rural Poverty Service, Churachandpur

Add : Tuibong
Tel :
Mobile : 89749 55782
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Contact Person : Janglal Mate
Purpose : Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood Generating Purpose.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision an honest and loving society which strongly believes that the weak must get a chance to develop their own livelihood and dignity. Mission erpos dedicates itself to its mission of alleviating rural poverty by promoting and working through voluntary organization with a focus on enabling the marginalized and weaker sections of rural society to participate in the process of rural development by strengthening their resource base and capabilities through improved knowledge and skill, both in the technical and socio-economic development area. Objective of the organisation is to focus on improve livelihoods of the most disadvantaged people in the tribal areas in building strong grassroots institution of the poor i, e lead farmers, semi skill artisans to made available for empowering the poor by providing innovative idea which are structurally replicate that should culturally acceptable, suitable and gender responsive. The following are the four points to achieve the goal objective: social empowerment. Economic empowerment. Partnership development. Project management.

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