Udaykal Foundation, Jalgaon
Add : 110/1, Seetai Building, Balajipura, Amalner
Tel :
Mobile : 90962 10669
Email : udaykalfoundation@gmail.com
Website :
Contact Person : Mayur Balkrishna Bagul
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Development (General), Education, Environment, Health, Legal Awareness, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Micro-Enterprises, Old Aged Welfare, Plantation, Self Help Groups, Social Awareness, Water, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our foundation work on all social activities and their programmed. Now following project are in ours water tank on summer season for public and birds also. Making a fort contest for little children in diwali festival to knowing them. Our history and how develop building management. Ration cards registration will through online process & will attained to maintained. This programme taken from our amalner tahasil office through our foundation. We had arranged programme on environmental day, according that on same day we took essay writing contest on environment subjects also planted the trees at our citys premises. Those students have passed in this year for that will provide study materials like school bags, notebook and others. Our foundation will work for total social activities (some project -women self help group, project on municipal water supply management and like others) in future.
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