Tapasyasiddhi Kala Academy, Kolhapur
Add : B-9, Rannaware Complex, 2nd Lane, Rajarampuri
Tel : 0231-2522724
Mobile : 90114 45324
Email : sanyogeetastapasyasiddhi@gmail.com
Website : www.tapasyasiddhi.org
Contact Person : Sanyogeeta Patil
Purpose : Art And Culture, Cultural Heritage, Employment To Uplift Our Indian Culture And Cutural Art Forms, To Educate People With Fine Arts.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Tapasyasiddhi kala accademy is organization dedicated towards cherishing and encouraging classical indian dance and work for other traditional indian art forms like indian classical music, playing instruments, painting, sculpture, writing. At tapasyasiddhi kala accademy we intend to start a gurukul (gurukul is a traditional indian form of school) for different arts. We also intend to start an educational institute.
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