Khandesh Krishi V Gramin Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha, Jalgaon

Add : Hated Bk, Chopda
Tel : 02586-248348
Mobile : 97308 43589
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Prashant Sonawane
Purpose : Agriculture, Art And Culture, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Heritage., E-Governance, E-Learning, General – Social Welfare, Ngo Management, Plantation, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Women Development Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : RUnning bachat gat successfully in my village for women empowerment. Arranged various camps and workshops for women to give them training of various courses such as tailoring classes, computer training which helped them to earn on their own. Conducted following programs for young people in my village: free computer training free training on repairing of electrical and electronics home appliances. Various courses which helps youth and other men in village to earn on their own. Also working for many social activities such as blood donation camps, gram swachata abhiyan vriksha dindi in my viilage.

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