Jeevandhara Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha, Yavatmal

Add : Pandharkawada, Mangalmurti, Layout
Tel :
Mobile : 82752 97090
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Contact Person : Dr. Pritesh Battalwar
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Viion : a community that strives to secure a brighter future for the underprivileged how we do it appeal: the ngo jeevandhara is exempted under section 12aa & 80-g of income tax act for any donation made for above cause. Your generous donations would help in implementing various developmental activities. Sourcing fund’s: a lot of programes extention that we have, need funds, need-less to say donors are assured of optimal and judicious utilisation, along with a complete supervision of audits and other controls. Education ngo jeevandhara education programme aims to help girl s complete primary education and access formal schools, provides onsite academic support to enhance the quality of teaching, and nurtures leadership skills among girls. Ngo jeevandhara provides technical support to teachers and government departments, helps nurture school-community relationships, and offers alternative education opportunities for women and girls from marginalized sections of the society. Get the gift of a smile ! At our ngo jeevandhara, every body gets the attention he or she needs to bring out their best smile. Support us ! Welcome to the ngo jeevandhara ! Ngo jeevandhara is a state level govt. Regd. Voluntary organization of the district duly registered under societies registration act xxi of 1860 vide regd no:- maha. /483 of 2010 dated 22- 06 -2010 & registered under section xxix of 1950 vide regi no. F- 13930/y (India) pan- aabaj2964n. Regd 9001 iso: 2008 certified & leadership of excellence education awarded society payment gateway map data ?2017 google terms of use report a map errormaharashtra 445302, India view larger map our mission : to serve humanity through the provision of education, food and medical relief. At ngo jeevandhara, we don’t believe in restricting our charitable efforts to one sphere only, but believe instead in helping out as best as we can through a multitude of avenues – providing health care/medical relief for the unhealthy underprivileged. Providing access to education for children enabling them to secure a better future for themselves. Protecting and taking care of cows through the operation of a gaushala. Through the above objectives, ngo jeevandhara helps address immediate issues such as starvation and medical access we are working towards longer term goals of empowering young children secure a better future by giving them access to education and skill enhancement classes and workshops.

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