Bhartiya Dnyanpith Bahuudeshiya Gramin Vikas Sanstha Wadgaon, Yavatmal

Add.: Shital Nagar, Yavatmal
Pin: 445001
Mobile: 91-94228 68986
Contact Person:? Shailesh Pisalkar
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Bhartiya Dnyanpith Bahuudeshiya Gramin Vikas Sanstha Wadgaon a non-profit voluntary organization is a collective vision of young development experts with a motivation to work at grassroots among the most disadvantage section of the society in one of the India?s poorest district. BDBV is working to ensure and institutionalize a process of participatory rural development especially women, the SCs and STs as a development agent through credit for self-employment services. BDBV was formally registered as a society under India Society?s Act 1860 in 1994 to promote rural development through watershed development and self-help solutions to combat poverty and hunger. It was established with a collective vision of development professionals with vast experience of working with the people at grassroots in development. BDBV Vision are “Together we can change the world”. The key is together and since BDBV professionals stems from same society in last 10 years BDBV is able to establish a sense of ownership towards development. Its mission and goal,micro finance lending institutions and NGOs/PVOs for sustainable implementation of self-help group, micro credit and micro enterprise development. Programmes through strategic partnership alliances. Build capacity of NGOs/PVOs in self-help group, microcredit development through networking and establish linkages for income generation among hard-core poor. Stimulate interest in influencing both micro and macro level policy interventions in the areas of micro finance/lending for enterprise development among poor through awareness and sensitization programs, action researches, seminars and workshops. To replicate the development mission BDBV also facilitate in capacity building of smaller NGOs/CSOs on participatory rural development, self-help group, micro credit management, micro enterprise development,BDBV is also closely associated with Bhrastachar Virodhi Jan Andolan (BVJA) a movement headed by Mr. Anna Hazare to generate awareness among people to check transparency and performance of government programmes and schemes in Maharashtra. It also plays advocacy role in the aspects of right to information, law of secrecy and section 73 and 74.

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