Akanksha Foundation, Mumbai

Add.: Voltas House C, T.B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli
Pin: 400033
Phone: 91-22-23700253
Contact Person:? Avantika Sinha
Purpose : Education
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The Akanksha Foundation is a non-profit organization with the vision to one day equip all students with the education, skills and character they need to lead empowered lives. Akanksha works primarily in the field of education, addressing non formal education through the Akanksha centre and also formal education through the Akanksha Schools. Over the past 17 years, the organization has expanded from 15 children in one centre to over 3500 children in 63 centres, 2 Kindergarten centres and 4 schools. A commitment is made to support each child by giving him or her a strong educational foundation, a good time, self esteem and values, and to help them plan how they can earn a steady livelihood as a step towards improving their standard of living.

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