Tarun Sanskar, Jabalpur

Add.: 2036, Annapurna Towers, Ranjhi
Pin: 482005
Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 91-761-2632046
Mobile: 91-99264 43250
Contact Person: Joy Mukherjee
Purpose : Cause of rural development.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Rejuvenation of a village community based on the principle of self-sufficiency, equity and distributive justice and well principled governance. Creation of conducive atmosphere for the people in availing, utilizing and commanding the opportunities as citizen of India. To generate congenial atmosphere and program for physical, mental, spiritual, social and cultural development in general and women/children in particular. To promote education and training related to different occupation/ trade leading to self-sustained development. To work for women empowerment through appropriate initiatives. Networking of local voluntary groups / grass roots organizations for rejuveneation and effective voluntary action.

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