Pratham Singh Educational Welfare Society, Betul

Add : Bhimpur
Madhya Pradesh
Tel : 07162-245606
Mobile : 88782 11778, 97546 11529
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Vranda Thakur
Purpose : Education Women Issues.
Aim/Objective/Mission : We will help kindle a spark in the hearts of the privileged. A drop of compassion in the hearts of the in different. A ray of hope & sucess in the hearts of the downtrodden. A helping hand to the under privileged so that our society will bloom like a garden with love, equality, peace, and brotherhood. Our mission- to restore human dignity to the oppressed and the marginalized ensuring holistic and sustainable development through an important contribution to people?s awareness and empowerment through participatory and interdisciplinary approach. We will be productive with people and speak the common language of theirs. We will honor human dignity and value it. We will utilize national and international resources for the benefit of the society specially the poor, schedule caste and schedule tribe. Empower destitute women and children who are the most vulnerable part of the society.we will help illiterate people and try to provide primary education as well as higher education.

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