Navavtaar (A Society For Educational and Welfare), Bhopal

Add : F-4, Ashoka Estate-2, Raisen Road, Near Apsara Talkies
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94254 64087, 73899 35602
Email : amithardeniya@gmailcom
Website :
Contact Person : Amit Sharma
Purpose : Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Anti Drug Campaign, Art and Culture, Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Climate Change, Community Development, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Disaster Management, Distance Learning, E-Governance, E-Learning, Education, Employment, Energy, Fair Trade, Food and Nutrition, Forest Management, Forestry, Gender, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Group Promotion, Health, Herbal Medicine, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Indigenous Knowledge, Information and Communications Technology, Installation Of Borewells, Intellectual Property, Irrigation, Labour, Law, Legal Awareness, Library, Livelihood, Local Administration, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Media, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Micro-Enterprises, Natural Resource Management, Ngo Management, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Plantation, Pollution, Population, Poverty, Public Administration, Rehabilitation, Research, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Self Help Groups, Sericulture, Sex Workers Welfare, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Society and Economy, Sustainable Development, Traditional Activist (Guni) Mobilisation, Right To Information, Trade and Industry Welfare, Trafficking Of Women, Training, Tribal Development, Tribal Issues, Urban Development, Volunteers, Waste Management, Wildlife, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Yoga, Youth Plantation, Water Crises, Cow and Any Animal Escape, Education, Social Work Etc Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To undertake welfare activities for socially backwards, handicaps, tribal for promotion of their moral, social, educational and physical improvement in India. To undertake research, review, assessment and development of social structure in various part of country. To promote general awareness and national interest among the rural/tribal families of various states& ut. To organize/construct shelter home for old age people and homeless/helpless children. To promote family planning and health awareness to improve life stile, medical care, and other social values for batter care of citizen of India articularly in rural area. To promote eradication of alcoholism and drug abuse. To promote self defence among the women s and children to over come anti-social elements of the society. To undertake research and development activities of rural technology in rural area for increasing agricultural production, creating employment, eradicating poverty and bringing overall improvement in rural economy to undertake educational / tech. Education / rehabilitation program particularly for woman, backwards & minority class people. To assist public to acquire residential accommodation. To assist govt. /non govt. Originations to arrange medical / food facilities in backward /tribal area.. To promote cultural/educational activities in backward /tribal area. To propound way of life, improvement of physical health, social & personnel behaviors of public through yoga and to promote national interest among general public of India. To promote prosecution of research, prorogation of knowledge and experimental measures in connection with the study of diseases, their prevention, causation and remedy through herbs, siddha, yoga and naturopathy particularly in rural/tribal area. To undertake research work on herbal plantation, cultivation, marketing, processing, its medicinal application in rural/tribal to uplift poor population, formers in India. To undertake research work on creation of employment opportunities in herbal plantation, cultivation, marketing, processing, for rural and urban population leaving under poverty line.

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