M. P. Anusuchit Jati Vika Evam Kalyan Samiti, Bhopal
Add : Ward-6, Gas Dava Adalat, Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94256 81385, 94244 85736
Email : mapscastdews@gmail.com
Website : www.mapscastdews.org
Contact Person : Sher Afzal Khan
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : M. panusuchit jati vikas evam kalyan samiti is working from last 20 years in the beginning samiti vision and mission was working for the development and progress of the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward, poor and deprived section of the society we wanted to empower the dalit and underprivileged community people at urban and village level to maximize their potential and enable them to become independent and self-reliant through foster a conducive environment to enable the less privileged to assert their rights and live in dignity. In bhopal districts as well as whole m. p. State. But after some years samiti change its mission to provide succor to women and children in distress and raise their self esteem through a four pronged approach of ‘health, education, equality and empowerment’ thereby enabling them to lead a life of dignity. To work/act as an ?agent of change to help the poorest of the poor access and actualize their rights as enshrined in the constitution of India. To create such a fear less educated society which is economically, socially and politically very sound with high moral values, where there is no bias on the basis of caste, religion and gender, where people are fully aware about their rights, obligations, culture and world s environment, where people are full with feelings of patriotism and they would think about the world s brotherhood. Mission women today are increasingly asserting their rightful place in Indian society. With greater access to education and increased awareness, they have begun to make their presence felt in every sphere. Increasingly, women are instrumental in shaping our society and steering it towards progress. It is also heartening to note that an increasing number of women share the burden of income generation apart from traditionally shouldering their domestic responsibilities. Despite this progress, a large number of women continue to endure gender bias, social injustice and indignity. To address this persistent and deplorable state of affairs, the m. p. anusuchit jati vikas evam kalyan samiti [mapscastdews] was established in 1996 in bhopal m. p. The m. p. anusuchit jati vikas evam kalyan samiti [mapscastdews] is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to the upliftment of women and children, particularly those in distress.
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