Kalpdhir Samajik Shaikshanik Vikas Samiti, Dewas

Add.: 9, Labour Colony, Mill Road, Balgarh
Pin: 455001
Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 91-7272-253159
Mobile: 91-92294 20046
Contact Person: Chirag Mankodi
Purpose : Humanity, cure – control, social empowerment etc.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Spreading education all over the world by opening & managing schools, colleges, universities etc., women empowerment across the world by traings workshops etc. Technical & professional education, trainings etc across the world. Social awareness programmes for the empowerment of peoples across the world. Awareness & related programmes for the eradication of aids, leprosy, cancer, T.B., etc major diseases. Eradication of bad social habits like bal – vivah, dowary, alcohalic & other major related issues. Pollution control, water conservation etc.

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