Daridra Narayan Seva Avam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Tikamgarh
Add : 115, Near Jain Mandir, Jatara
Madhya Pradesh
Tel : 0768-1254258
Mobile : 94258 81105
Email : daridranarayanngo@gmail.com
Website : www.daridranarayanngo.org
Contact Person : Ramesh Pathak
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To stabilise rehabilitation centres for under privileged people of the society to encourage beggars to earn their livelihood by creating job opportunities and to make them independent. To help under privileged people of society in legal matters. To tell people about ill effects of smoking, drinking, gambling etc and to make them aware of their unwanted effects. To encourage the people of all segments of society not to indulge in to corruption, dowry, antisocial activities and other social evils. To make women independent by creating job opportunities. To educate all the segments of society about the benefits of education and to organize elementary education classes for under privileged section of society. To provide job oriented vocational training to the under privileged section of society. To create the awareness about benefits of cleanliness and hygiene. To encourage people to stabilise their own small scale business like dairy, fish farming etc. To bring about awareness of using organic farming and to avoid synthetic fertilizers. To create awareness related to prevention and control of life threatening diseases like aids, cancer, leprosy, malaria, filaria, polio etc. To create awareness about family planning and to control population explosion by providing education about the merits of family planning also create awareness to reduce childhood death rate by creating awareness about prevention and control of common childhood diseases. To organize the cowshed for their husbandry according to government scheme. To help central and state government in the execution of human welfare schemes. To organize eye camps, health awareness camp etc during birth anniversaries of great personalities. To provide free of cost training and education to meritorious and needy students through coaching classes and by organizing aboratory workshop. To provide practical training about chemistry, biology, medicine research to the desirer students in their research work.
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