Prakambanam Kala Sahithya Vedi- Prakambanam Educational Charitable Trust, Kannur
Add : Podikkundu, Pallikunnu
Tel : 0497-2748100
Mobile : 98953 12795
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Contact Person : TPI Das
Purpose : Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Community Development, Cultural Issues, Education, General – Social Welfare, Hiv Aids, Human Development, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Women Development Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Care for disable pepole free medical treatment and medicine for disabled people. Fellowship award to promote art and culture scholarship award would be provided. Publication of books to encourage the publication of articles, short stories etc, from youth. Apprenticeship conducting workshop on offset printing, book making, brochure making etc,aid to students to supply books and study materials to poor and backward students free computer training free computer training for students. Physiological treatment free medical treatment for mentally handicapped. Pediatric treatment free medical treatment and medicine for children. Bio ? medical plants to give support to gardening of bio ? medical plan. Drinking water supply aimed free drinking water supply for government schools. Awareness conducting seminar class to promote awards of communal harmony. Blood bank provide blood in the case of emergency from volunteer blood donors. Volunteer blood donors must pass certain criteria. Sanskrit and hindi sanskrit, is a historical indo ? aryan language, one of the liturgical languages of hinduism and buddhism, and one of the 22 official languages of india. It is a classical language of india. Hindi is the name given to various indo ?aryan languages, dialects and languages spoken in northern and central india, pakistan, fiji, mauritius and suriname. We, ourselves take steps to carryout classes to teach these languages to people who are interested to study the sanskrit and hindi. A mission against drug abuse tobacco liquor smoking, drinking and using drugs can really affect people?s lives. We conduct classes and seminars to stop drug tobacco and liquor usage and hope it will help to society to live better. Control and awareness of hiv aids dedicate ourselves to averting the spread of hiv and aids through advocacy, education, empowerment, outreach and preventive service. Support and care of homeless and poor unable to work because of physical disabilities. Unable to work because of mental illness.
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