Trinity Christian Association, Hubli

Add: 17, Vijayanagar Extension
Pin: 580032
Contact Person: Leslie Joseph
Purpose: To provide education and shelter for destitute and underprivileged children of northern karnataka.
Aim/Objective/Mission: Our mission is to work for the upliftment of the children of northern karnataka in some of the most backward and undeveloped districts like uttar kannada, belgaum, dharwad, and bijapur. Many children from villages in these districts do not have access to schools and do not have resources for proper nutrition and education. For the past 20 years over 400 children have grown up in a loving and peaceful environment and many have gone on to make a difference in their own villages. We believe that education will help change their lives and give them opportunities to attain a better standard of living than their forefathers before them.

Tel: 91-836-2350887

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