Suvarna Karnataka Integrated Rural Development Society (R), Tumkuru

Add : 2, 1st Floor, 6th Cross, Someshwarapuram
Tel : 08162-255993
Mobile : 94499 76451
Email :
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Contact Person : Shivalingaiah
Purpose : Our Institute Needs To Start Medical College
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aim: skirds next logical step is to set up a permanent solutions for human health care. Skirds mission is to reach the unreachable persons to the following health, education, social-economic religions cultural development. Kirds vision is to no human should be suffered because of health. We concentrate on poor, disabled, orphans, downtrodden area development, forest and agriculture development. Objectives to start all types of education and vocational, technical, medical, diploma courses institutions, nursing colleges. To promotion of charity in organization. To open and maintenance hostels for the use of poor and very poor students. To start sports socio-economic culture activities to youth women, children, orphans and poor people. To start mental health programs. To undertake health and nutrition programmes in various rural, towns and colonies. To undertake agency for lic health schemes for peoples and animals. To organize the health care sanitation environment protection ecology slum clearance. Welfare of backward classes minorities, scs and sts hostel facilities to student care and maintenance of destitution orphanage for children for the working women and bonded labor development services and awareness program. To improve the sports economic moral and social cultural standards in rural and urban area youth. To provide economic assistance to those who are suffering specially at the time of natural calamities like drought floods earthquakes commercial destinies and fire accidents. To provide facilities for betterment of unemployment, disabled, orphans in rural and urban area training center. To start library center in rural and urban area. To start mentally retarded children special rehabilitation center.

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