Social, Cultural, Education, Economic & Medical Society, Chitradurga

Add: Hirehally, Challakere
Pin: 577529
Contact Person: D.C.Ramesh
Purpose: Social service
Aim/Objective/Mission: The vision of SCEEMS is to enable the rural poor such as Land less poor women, poor peasants and youth as well as youth associations to increase their participation in those program which directly affect their standard and quality of life. To achieve its vision SCEEMS has dedicated itself to introducing thrift co-operative system, land based and income generating programs through peoples institutions, self help groups and forest protection committees. The overall objective of the organization is to develop the poor farmers, formation of self help groups among women and youth through land based, health activities to take up income generating, skill training programs and to take a multi-sectional development approach aimed at all round development of the individual family, community and environment for the rural poor.

Tel: 91-8190-204052

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