SEVAK – Society for Empowerment Through Voluntary Action in Karnataka, Belgaum

Add : 3826, Nityadhar Building, Tipu Sultan Nagar, Machhe
Tel : 0831-2412708
Mobile : 94481 93220
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Anand B. Lobo, Chief Functionary
Purpose : Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, General – Social Welfare, Micro-Enterprises, Natural Resource Management, Poverty, Social Awareness, Tribal Development, Women Development Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims of the SEVAK encompass organising socio-economically disadvantaged communities around the issues related to increasing income, improving access to education, health care facilities and training in human resources development with special focus towards gender equity, protection and promotion of child rights and promotion of environment up-gradation. The vision of SEVAK has been, to create a more equal, just and sustainable society where people live without extreme poverty, self reliant live in clean environment and the empowered poor have fulfillment and a sense of self worth. The core of the vision is right to life with dignity for all mission of SEVAK: SEVAK aims to empower the socially and economically weaker sections of the society, especially women, children, aged and disabled through providing advice, information, services and by participating with the intermediatory organsiations in extending cooperation and facilitation and initiate necessary support for their self reliance. Core values: SEVAK strongly believes in the following core values, integrity respect commitment collaboration partnership creativity independent living diversity.

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