Oasis Foundation for Human and Natural Resource Development, Haveri

Add: Shivasadana, 72, 18th Cross, A Block Basaveswara Nagar
Pin: 581110
Contact Person: H.G Shivanandappa, C. Doreswamy
Purpose: Education, health, nrm, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development, disability.
Aim/Objective/Mission: Oasis Foundation for Human and Natural Resource Management was established by a group of likeminded Professionals inspired by Mahatma Gandhi thoughts. The founder members have wide experience of more than 25 to 30 years in various rural development sectors and committed for serving the unreached sections of the society. Based on the long association with rural community in various parts of karnataka, the organization has established its regional offices at strategic locations for smooth operation of the programme. Oasis Foundation?s mission is to promote sustainable development models that generate opportunities and options for self employment, sustainable livelihood and improved quality of life, especially for the disadvantaged sections of the society.

Mobile: 91-94498 31551, 91-94486 41363, 91-94806 96166
Email: oasisfoundation.hbl@gmail.com

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