Add: Jyothi Nagar, Sira
Pin: 572137
Contact Person: Shv. Bhaskar
Purpose: The mother works towards bringing significant changes in the livelihoods of the poor through innovations.
Aim/Objective/Mission: The main aims and objectives of the organization pertaining to the program : to impart education to all school going children and to other needy persons by running educational institution right from nursery up to college level. To start and establish boarding homes for the benefit of the students and orphans and old age persons. To enlighten the rural people regarding the importance of family planning, adult education and give useful education whether general or moral or technical to route out the literacy through lecture class, public speeches, exhibiting films in agriculture, horticulture, special environment, history, science and technology for the benefit of the villagers particularly for the depressed and backward classes and minorities. Mother mission is to create opportunities of self employment in rural poor.
Tel: 91-8135- 277372
Mobile: 91-99002 50016
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