MARSS-K Organisation for Social Development, Davanagere
Add: 960, Ragavendra Extantion, Harihar Road, B/h Spandana Restorant, Opp. New DC Office, Davangere City
Pin: 577601
Contact Person: Huligesh A
Purpose: Community development.
Aim/Objective/Mission: MARSS-K has working mainly with the target groups families ?landless, small and marginal farmers with priority to women and dalits. MARSS-K is currently working in six districts in Karnataka covering 90 villages of 34 Gram Panchayats and enabled 48,000 rural families and reached 1,28,000 rural population, among them 60% are women, 30% are children and 10% landless laborers.
Tel: 91-8192-240504
Mobile: 91-98805 68917
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