CHINYARD – Chaitanya Institute for Youtha and Rural Development, Hubli
Add: 6, Vinayak Colony, Santosh Nagar Extension
Pin: 580032
Contact Person: C.Y. Bhardwad
Aim/Objective/Mission: To provide integrated livelihood development services to 75000 beneficiaries by 2015. To improve quality of life of the rural masses by organizing them in to self-help groups and resource management groups. Increase their organized strength and self reliance. Increase their livelihoods assets, economic, independency and social security. To promote total health among women, children and the disabled people. To educate people about natural resource management of degraded forestlands and Biodiversity conservation. To develop rural small and micro enterprise for bringing about economic self-sufficiency and sustainable life style.
Tel: 91-836-2356184
Mobile: 91 99802 90551
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