Avord Voluntary Organization for Rural Development – in -Action, Kolar

Add: Regional Project Office Lakshmipur, Srinivaspur
Pin: 563135
Contact Person: A.Philip Samuelkumar (A.P.S.Kumar)
Aim/Objective/Mission: Peoples Education & Action for intregrated sustainable community empowerment, participation. Justice equality among deserving communities through partcipating in planning, implementation, evaluation monitoring, visulizes itself as working to enable the seriousness and rural poor such as women dalits tribal landless and minorities unemployed youth to move towards sustaiable develoment through over all increase in knowledge and quality of life socio economic and personal status in society. Poverty alleviation through community partcipation and to facilitate community resource mobilization and utiliuzation of local resources to develope them selves and raise their socio economic standards of life.

Tel: 91-8157-244238
Mobile: 91-98451 05621

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