Public Peace and Development Foundation, Poonch
Add : Sangla, Surankote
Jammu Kashmir
Tel :
Mobile : 96227 30630
Website :
Contact Person : Muzaffar Khawaja
Purpose : Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth Involve Indians In Building India.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To nurture the people to inculcate the values of good citizenship and ideals of national unity and integrity. To organise debates, seminars, camps and sports events for capacity building of the community and to spread the ideas of good living habits, moral values, culture, and methods of developing self-confidence etc and to create centres throughout the state. To fight against the corruption and all forms of exploitation, injustice against any individual, class, community in the society. To reproduce works of arts, literature, science, crafts to impart useful knowledge by arranging camps, workshops and conferences etc. To establish libraries and involve the youth in education, create awareness and development their sustainable skills. To provide urgent help to the people suffering from natural calamities such as earthquakes, flood etc and to undertake the rehabilitation work aftermath. To propagate the need for afforestation, pollution control, environmental awareness, conservation of bio-diversity and wild life. To educate people about the consequences of consuming drugs, alcohol and other intoxicants to work for the eradication of such evils from society. To sensitize the people for child rights, child protection and to work for protection and welfare of children at all levels. To work and coordinate with the health department for the proper implantation health schemes. To help and generate training programmes for self-employment of women and educated unemployed people. To monitor the functioning of government departments in the interest of community.
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