Global Human Welfare Organization, Kulgam
Add : Churat Qazigund
Jammu Kashmir
Tel :
Mobile : 99065 20092, 94190 06730
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Shah Ashiq Hussain
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Rules & regulations global human welfare organization aims and objectives the organization was given global human welfare organization with its headquarters at village churat qazigund. The areas of operation are whole indiabut specially j & k state. Global human welfare is a non-religious, non-governmental organization & non- political organization. Global human welfare organization is free from geographical boundaries only for the upliftment of weaker sections in society and development of humanity in every sphere of life particularly for orphans, widows, destitute, handicapped, differently able people, old age people, aids, tb, all diseases, social caste, obc, rba, sc, st, health and sanitation, needy people. The organization will also work during natural calamities like snow storms, earthquake sufferers, epidemic floods and famine victimized, oppressed, depressed, mentally tortured handicapped old aged destitute peasants and the education of non going school children, war against child labor, early marriage system, to develop high status of women in society, war against corruption, to develop the ideas towards the rights of animals, love and affectionate of self service neighborhood, fight against the migration of developed families towards cities, to create equally faculties of development in every part of habitation, to avoid making constructions in agricultural lands, to protect forests, to help fire victims, accidental and incidental victims, to check the fraudulent companies who loot the general public, to educate the general masses not to make huge expenders during marriage ceremonies, to control over street begging, to safe migrant properties, to maintain cleanliness in society, to avoid smoking in public places, to watch discipline and work culture in govt. As well as in private offices just a civil spy system, to remain a responsible citizen. The organization shall organize public meetings, seminars, conventions, conferences, pulse polio campaigns, blood donation camps, youth camps, anti polythene campaigns, environmental awareness programmes, awareness with regard to fundamental rights and duties, and try to develop self determination and patriotism among society. The organization shall work in rescue operations, help the disaster management particularly in the times of heavy snow fall, rain fall, windstorm, floods, avalanches, landslide and other rescue operations. The organization shall support and participate in govt. Programmes functions, seminars, and shall organize and participate in national days as per calendar as per govt. Gazette. The organization shall educate the society for the development of industrial estate & to preserve natural water resources, try to avoid the loading passenger vehicles, expanding of roads and beautification of road sides by planting shadow trees, to develop intellectual atmosphere and friendship in the society by way of organizing the public meetings seminars, road shows, cultural programmes. The organizations shall assist the local administration to implement all the legislative acts and beneficial programmes passed from time to time. To provide free legal aid to the needy people. To open homes for orphans the destitute, the blind and other types of handicapped people. To establish marriage bureau for arranging mass low cost marriages for poor sections of the society. To campaign against social evils like dowry, extravagancies marriages and similar other social functions. To open welfare centre for needy women in order to teach them various crafts to make them self reliant. To safeguard the rights of women by creating awareness among the women folk regarding their rights and duties. To offer scholarship or financial assistance to poor but meritorious students. To render financial aid to widow and physically disabled people to cooperate with other organizations/ institutions with identical aims and objectives in the field of social service. To action against those who do not fulfill their duties honestly in the society to decide the cases of fighting parties in the society. To decide the cases of fighting parties in the society. To fight against the illegal activities in the society. To help the needy people in the society. To develop healthy social tendencies in students. To develop a tendency to have care for health. To develop a spirit of freedom in the right content of duty and rights. To develop an individual in such a way that it ultimately aims at social progress. To train children to understand society in the right content and develop a harmonious relation with each other. To promote and develop a culture based on mutual cooperation, justice, honesty and in accordance with the local needs. To use educational aids for developing constructive powers of the students. To develop the basic skills and understanding essential for the effective use it. Practical life. To develop the communication skills and leadership qualities among learners. To develop the skills and understanding necessary for effective measurement, computation and problem solving. To help children to understand how man has used science and inventions to meet his needs and improve his living. To develop sense of protection for environment. To develop scientific temperament and scientific attitude. To develop the moral values in the society. To develop the patriotism and love for nation. To develop the society on scientific, cultural and moral values. To make the society economically more viable. To develop sense of love for the values left behind us by our forefathers. To development compassion for old aged and sick people. To develop understanding of human rights. To create sense of duties among people and make them conscious of their fundamental rights. To work for under privileged people like schedule class, socially and educationally backward, orphan, widows, half widow and handicapped. To make the unemployed youth and handicapped people aware of various job oriented schemes launched by govt. Of indiain various sectors for which financial aid, loan and different type of grants and facilities are provided to the entrepreneurs by the central government. To guide and assist the un-employed and handicapped youth in setting up job oriented small scale industrial unit to established cluster villages in the valley as already approved by the central government, the organization will act as a nodal agency for the same. To give awareness to the people about rti act, the org. Will act as a nodal agency to give awareness to the people of j & k state in general and kashmir in particular. To set up herbal gardens / villages in the most backward areas of the state and to give service to the back ward areas for setting up of medical facilities by way of nursing homes/ aid centers and other all necessary facilities. To set up bio villages self groups for herbal cultivation or conduct research/ seminars/ workshops and / or program in the field of cultivation / extractions processing of aromatic and medicinal plants. To organize and conduct publicity programs at different venues for making masses aware of the preventions and the control of aids/ cancer/ diabetic/ diseases amongst human being and also to organize awareness camps at different places as a part of publicity campaigns for educating general public about the preventions and control of aids/ cancer/ diabetic/ diseases. To promote and encourage research for finding the cause and cure of killer disease, especially cancer disease amongst human being.. To undertake carry out promote sponsors rural development programs for the betterment of people in any rural area with a view to promote the social and economic status of the masses in those area and to in curry any expenditure or any rural development programme and to assist execution and promotion thereof whether directly or indirectly or in any such other manner of all types and to transfer with or without consideration or at the confessional value and divert the ownership of any property of the trust in favour of any public body institution or trust engaged in the execution of rural development programs as approved by the central government of state government or any such other appropriate authority related thereof. The objects incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objects: methodology for achievement of objectives identification of the deserving individuals from all sections of the society, irrespective of cast creed, color, religion, to be provided with assistance in cash and kind. Undertake to establish centers for hapless orphans, widows and destitute for their physical mental, educational and moral development. Arrange seminars, conferences, and workshops from time to time to un educated a zeal for social service among the members of this organization and the general public. Seek cooperation from and with the government or any other ngo which pursues similar objectives to use all available media sources to propagate the aims and objectives of the organization in order to gain sympathies and involvement of more and more people with the sacred and righteous services to the mankind.
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