Society For Universal Oneness & Education, Kathua
Add : Near Deep Chowk, Ward-13/3, Hiranagar
Jammu Kashmir
Tel : 01922-274774
Mobile : 94192 62437, 94191 10262
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Bavita Kumari
Purpose : To Promote Urdu Language.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To support, aid and promote the advancement of civic, social, religious, moral and spiritual vaules conducive to human resources development, protection of habitat, ecology and environment, and to render medical, educational and other humanitarian relief and assistance, for the upliftement and benefit of the general public without distinction of caste, creed of social status. to establish, assist, maintain and administer social service centres and other charitable, religious and educational institutions catering to the need of t to hold and conduct classes, lectures, conferences, seminars, study, research and other useful programmes, to give scholarships, free ships, diplomas, certificates and award, to print publish and exhibit films, cassettes, journals, periodicals, books, bulletins and other audio visual materials for diffusion of useful knowledges and skills in keeping with educational, social, moral, and religious ideals of the society. to organize camps, picnics, supports and games, adventure activities, educational tours, nature study, science clubs, cultural festivals, art, music and literacy activities and competitions for the benefit of the youth, children and women and to promote and foster national integration at all levels of the society. To purchase, obtain on lease, in exchange or otherwise, to acquire land, buildings or any other movable or immovable property or properties which may be necessary or requisite for all or any of the objects of the Society and to sell, demise, lease, mortgage, exchange or surrender the same, to construct such building or buildings and structures as may be necessary and form time to time improve, alter or extend the same or any part or parts thereof for the purpose place of worship, schools, community halls, hostels, health centres, vocational & Industrial Training Institutions etc, to set up and maintain agricultural, dairy, poultry and animal husbandry farms and organize and manage income generating programmes for the support of society s activities and to provide training for self-help and self employment to the needy, to equip and staff all or any of these undertakings, to pay salary/ wages, provident fund, gratuity etc. to employees and to provide residential accommodation, equipment and maintenance, means of transport etc. either free of cost or otherwise of teachers, pupils, staff, servants and other connected with the work of the society and to educate, train and assist financially or otherwise in the education and training of the members of the society, teachers, students, orphans and other personnel for the purpose of the society, to apply for and obtain and receive Government or other grants, do nations, subscriptions, fees etc. from the public, to borrow and raise funds and to receive or use any gift or foundation in cash or otherwise movable or immovable property of all descriptions and to undertake and carry out offices, duties and functions and to undertake and carry out offices, duties and functions and to undertake and carry out offices, duties and functions of trustees, managers and administrators solely or jointly with others in respect of any such gift, donations or foundations whether vested in the society or otherwise for & on behalf of the Society, to invest and deal with the funds of the society in government securities, bank deposits and other investments and to dispose of, in cash or vary these investments and deposits and to lend or advance money and property of the society with or without security on such terms as the Governing body may think fit. Income, if any, so released shall solely and wholly be utilized for the furtherance of the objects of the society, to affiliate to and associate with other Institutions, Govt, Municipal and local boards, universities and research institutes and forum and to subscribe or give donations to and financially or otherwise aid any other society/associations, bodies and groups having similar objects, to establish and maintain a reserve fund of such amount as the governing body may determine for the promotion of activities of the society including maintenance and development of institutions, buildings, structures and equipments, support and training of service personnel, employees and staff of the institutions of the society. to set up and maintain electronic repairing training centres to provide training for self help and self employment to the needy. To do all such things and undertake all such lawful acts and deeds as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Sociey.
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