Nabet India, Gurgaon

Add :177, Sector-8, Imt Manesar
Tel :
Mobile : 98992 67366
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Usha Mishra
Purpose : Blindness, Corporate Social Responsibility, Disability, Employment, Forestry, Livelihood, Physically Disabled Environment Protection, Disabled Welfare, Blindness, Employment Generation For Underprivileged Computer Literacy Skill Development For Iti And Underprivileged Grduates.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Nabet India is an ngo which was established in 2009 under the indian society act as a trust. The ngo works for training and education of the disabled and the underprivileged. Post completion of computer training and job specific training the beneficiaries are absorbed in the industry. Nabet has also carried out 2 large scale green drives (project vriksha) in the year 2011 and 201 lakhs of saplings were distributed to the citizenry of delhi/ncr and planted in various parts of delhi/ncr. The message of environment protection was brought out loudly.

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