Human Rights Awareness Organisation, Hisar
Add: 31 PLA Shopping Complex, Near Town Park
Pin: 125001
Contact Person: Pawan Shehrawat
Purpose: Jiyo aur jina sikhao
Aim/Objective/Mission: We are working in the direction of human rights, values and development. The vision of our organization is ? jiyo aur jina sikhao [live and teach how to live]. We are organizing each and every human being with positive thinking, attitude and cause on the stage of humanity. We are very much inspired by U.N.O. vision and mission. We think everyone should contribute in the direction of humanity. We have recently started a new wing ?creative eye, will deal in carrier consultancy and tours and travels. We will train people while touring. We will contribute in building safe, aware, strong, healthy and positive society. We will not only conduct all type of adventure and educational activities but also offer youth exchange programme with each state of india and with friendly foreign countries. With the tremendous reach in the rural and remote areas of the country. We will plan to train them in disaster management.
Tel: 91-1662-272727
Mobile: 91-92157 40003