Green Earth 2025 Foundation, Guegaon

Add : 203-B, 16, Nai Basti
Tel :
Mobile : 95400 02100
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Contact Person : Rajesh Kumar
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Agriculture, Animal Welfare, Anti Drug Campaign, Art And Craft, Blindness, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Issues, Development (General), Environment, Fair Trade, Forest Management, Forestry, Herbal Medicine, Human Development, Infrastructure, Labour.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Green Earth 2025 Foundation we have organized one foundation in the name of g earth 2025 foundation. This organization will work not only in Indiabut to work to in whole world by starting environmental related mission. By this mission we will educate people considering environmental issue. We will tell them the consequences of it also. We will awake people through *nukkad plays & songs. We will also do the same programs in schools & collages also because these children will carry our thoughts to the future & save earth too. Our organization has great motivation & energy hence we think if all the young people will spend their energy for the welfare of world than in near future we can create our societies more beautiful & clear. What present environment is got severely polluted hence to stop this problem we have made this organization. Why : we are misusing our valuable earth for making ourselves comfortableness & gains. Due to this reason, we are in danger. Heart attack, diabetes etc. Deceases are increasing because of dirty environment. These problems are becoming huge & people are on the edge of havoc. Before this havoc comes our organization would like to aware the people. This work is really important because of this reason. The pollution level which was on the year of 1900 1960 is now increased a lot during these 10 years. The pollution hole is increasing drastically in ozone layer. Earth is constantly getting hotter & hotter. The solutions of these problems are not so difficult. But the solutions of these problems are not possible by the few people. Actually, all the people has to take initiatives together to close the havoc door which opening very fast & speed of danger is coming to us so really fast. The countries of whole world have to keep patience & co-operate with mutual understanding & great efforts. We have focus human development instead of arms & ammunitions. Each country has make environment related programs to create awareness against it. People have to leave selfishness & think towards environment. Our organization is working in each states of across the country to create awareness. People of each states has to start working in their areas like making environment friendly programs, planting trees, awareness campaigns in public & private organizations, collages, schools etc. For making our environment pollution free. People has start talking together about this serious issue. Suport us.

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