Nirvan Cheritable Trust, Khankotda
Add : Khankotda, Kaiavad
Tel :
Mobile : 94294 45433
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Contact Person : Batukbhai M Chovatiya
Purpose : Agriculture, Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Anti Drug Campaign, Child Welfare, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Education, Governance.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Nirvan charitable trust nirvan charitable trust is working since last three years in many social activity like free medical camp, blood camp, help to poor people, animal medical camp, making awareness to reduce pollution, tree plantation, women walfare and development. We are also running caw protection center, monthly yog shibir, youth programs. Our aim and objective to establish educational institutions at kindergarten, primary, secondary and undergraduate levels to provide quality education to the upcoming generation to undertake humanitarian social works during natural calamities such as flood, cyclone, earthquakes etc establishing income generating and productive enterprises such as agriculture, apiculture, horticulture, pisciculture, floriculture, vermiculture, poultry, dairy, small scale business enterprises etc to establish child welfare centers including cr?che for children of working women to create funds by obtaining donations either in cash or in kind ( movable /immovable) collection of deposits and interest free loans from the public or from banks or other financial institutions for the furtherance of the objects of the trust to establish and run orphanages for poor and helpless children especially of those from families affected by mental illness to see that the objects of the trust are performed smoothly and regularly.
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