Youth Track Society for Education and Development, Delhi
Add : 1/14, Tilak Nagar
Tel : 011-25258500
Mobile : 98112 87643
Email :
Websit :
Contact Person : Shagufta Yasmin
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Training, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth Women Empowerment.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To foster intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and aesthetic development of students to enhance their quality of life. To develop professionals and vocationally trained students, keeping in view the changing requirements of job market. Give shape to this vision, we aim: harness the dormant potential of students. Equip them with enough life skills and techniques of trade & profession. Enable them to acquire higher social & financial status in the society. Bridge the gap between employment & employability by providing short and long term professional courses relevant to the demand of the job market. Provide innovative learning environment. Impart training in the professional courses with human touch by including short module of social sciences. Remain focused on optimizing all kinds of energies towards becoming a centre of excellence (as the tag line says- a college for professional excellence) become a symbol of hopes to a large section of students who missed out on the chance to go in regular academic and professional colleges produce and maintain continuous flow of skilled and professional man power for industries and corporate world.
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