The Umang Foundation, New Delhi

Add : Rz-B1 9, Raghu Nagar, Pankha Road
New Delhi
Tel : 011-65027754
Mobile : 98717 17754
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Kalptaru Persad
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Anti Drug Campaign, Awareness Generation, Blindness, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Consumer Issues, Corporate Social Responsibility, General – Social Welfare, Health, Poverty, Sustainable Development, Women Development Welfare, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims and the objects of the society, for which the same is established, shall be as under: promote education of the underprivileged via education programs in tie up with regional schools. Find new avenues to bring together potential resources, in terms of people and property, for executing suitable education programs for the underprivileged. Organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students. Undertake to organize activities of a civic or charitable nature as also to increase public awareness of the role of education in value addition in the economic and social development of the nation. Provide counselling and legal aids to the women, facing domestic violence, gender sensitivity, atrocities on women in family life etc. And to conduct programmes to inculcate mutual respect and positive attitude between women and men. Arrange seminars, awareness programmes on social justice educational and economic upliftment to make people aware of their legal rights and fundamental rights as envisaged in the constitution of india. The society, shall, take remedial measure against any in respect of a victim or any other person on his behalf, regarding any complaint of violation of human right in relation to life, liberty, equality, and dignity & negligence in the prevention of such violation by any person, mediate, inquire inspect, review and thereafter take any legal action and any other action, lawfully as it think fit. Work for the betterment and upliftment of the society provide free medical facility to society in coordination with other medical institutions. Conducting co curriculum activities and personality grooming collect and help females for their development, to establish and run their saving society and to organize and maintain programs through that they can avail financial donations or assistance on credit in their crisis period. Subscribe or give donations, financially or otherwise, to such other societies, agencies, associations or institutions who are working in the same area or involved in activities which tend to support or aid advance the aims and objects of the society. Receive any grant, donations, gifts, fee support and assistance in any form for the furtherance of the objects of the society. Purchase, lease secure by exchange or license, hire or otherwise acquire any moveable or immoveable property and any interest, easement, right and privilege necessary or alter any moveable and immoveable property of the society and undertake such other activities as may be necessary and incidental to the aims and objects of the society. Make representations with the central and or state government in redressing cultural and social grievances of the members of the society and for the furtherance of the aims and objects of the society. Start and assist the relief measures in those parts of the country which become effected to natural calamities like famine, fire, flood, earthquakes etc establish, manage, maintain and run homes, institutions for the welfare and relief of the poor, handicapped physically challenged, mentally challenged, old, orphans, widows, children etc. For their education training in household and cottage industries. Spread awareness against aids and social evils such as dowry, drug addiction, untouchability, prostitution etc. And also to organize various social awareness campaigns programmes. Establish, manage, maintain and run drug de-addiction medical and consultancy centre, health care units, hospitals, nursing homes etc. Work for the cause of environment and indulge in the application, promotion and expansion of various strategies for stopping pollution. To plant trees and emphasize on water harvesting techniques. Work for the protection of human rights. To struggle for justice on social issues. To educate and create awareness among general public about various developmental programmes of central and state government and to extend all possible help & cooperation for their effective participation. Establish, manage, maintain and run institutions offering various management & other professional diploma degree courses in the field of engineering, medical sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences, mathematics, computer, polytechnic, economics, journalism, tourism, environment, entrepreneurship, education etc. Maintain run and construct basti vikas kendra, jan suvidha parisar, roads, foot path, anganvari, jhoolaghar, cr?che, child care centre, libraries etc. With the help of concerned government authorities for the students, socially neglected people and children. Aid and encourage vedantic studies and spiritual practices with spirit of service to the mankind of being them to understand life in the context of contemporary needs of scientific social ethical aesthetic and spiritual development so that human pence is free wants, war and other evils. Provide scholarship for bright & intelligent student for attaining higher standards into education of spiritual academic and technical natural. Provide free meals, clothes, medicines, and other needy things to the poor and needy, children of widows and to provide affordable health services through own service centers. Promote research in the study of indian system of medicine, homeopathy, and nature cure etc. And ancient indian culture. Complete, publish and distribute or give financial aid in the publication of any literature for the promotion of above objects. Promote and revive the traditional arts and crafts of india. Provide assistance and opportunities to children and young people desirous and eager to learn traditional arts and crafts and folk dances, music as a profession from best masters and professional in this field and thereby, create in them the concepts that may lead to greater growth in the field of art. Do all such activities which is necessary to eradicate hunger, poverty, malnutrition, promoting preventive healthcare and sanitation in the country. Accept and receive any grant, donation, fee, loan, subscriptions, support and assistance in any form for the furtherance of the objects of the society. Associate, cooperate, collaborate and affiliate with all those organizations, institutions and agencies which are engaged in kindred activities. Establish & maintain institutions for the handicapped & for adult education, like vocational training in vocations of household industry, semi-skilled jobs for self employment, short hand & type-writing, social science, languages, fine arts, crafts, music, painting, modelling, physical training etc. Strive to meet changing need of providing comprehensive education to develop various facets of personality and to impart education to children on the most modern lines & provide an environment congenial to growth and development of the children. Arrange & organize the social, cultural & computer educational programmes from time to time & creating access to e-governance services in villages through kiosks. Society will invest its surplus money and funds according to sections-11(5) of the income tax act, 1961. Make adequate arrangements for poor, widows and handicapped, orphans, old aged and mentally retired persons. Do all such other lawful acts, deeds and things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. All the income, earning, movable & immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized & applied towards the promotion of its aim & objects only as set forth in the memorandum of association & no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable property of the society or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his her membership.

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