Social Education And Liberty Foundation, New Delhi

Add : C-31, Nahney Park, Bindapur Road, Shani Bazar, Uttam Nagar
New Delhi
Tel : 011-25336191
Mobile : 85869 44407
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Piyush Roy
Purpose : Art And Craft, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Cultural Issues, Disability, Disaster Management, E-Governance.ers, Waste Management, Water, Wildlife, Women’S Issues, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our main objective to provide the education of these people is to bring the equal opportunity provided to all people who are very poor with the financially and physically. We aim to create environment for holistic approach to welfare by re-energizing the potential workforce for enhancing skills, higher productivity and providing gainful employment to professionals.

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