Santhigiri Ashram, New Delhi

Add : C-89, Shivalik, Near Malviya Nagar, Basant Kaur Marg, Opp. South Indian Bank
Malviya Nagar
Tel : 011-45045469
Mobile : 98914 91497
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Contact Person : Dr. Kiran
Purpose : Ayurveda, Child Welfare, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Governance, Group Promotion, Health, Herbal Medicine, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Women Development Welfare, Yoga.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Santhigiri Ashram, was founded by Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru about 45 years ago with a three-pronged mission: ensure food security for the masses, take care of their health needs and raise spiritual awareness. These noble endeavors of Annadanam, Athurasevanam and Atmabodhanam have earned for Santhigiri Ashram recognition as a Scientific & Social Research Organization by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. Over the years our activities have led us to have focused programmes on such varied areas as malnutrition, preventive health care, water harvesting, education, building vocational skills or employment and the empowerment of women. Our commitment to establish a holistic health care based on ayurveda & siddha medical systems which is affordable to both urban and rural population has lead us to open hospitals across the country and abroad and these hospitals functions as centres to conduct a baseline survey of health care status of the particular area. The need for developing a preventive healthcare system which is affordable to all and without any side effects has been our focus for the last forty years. Even though the developments in modern medicine have helped us to curb the occurrence of communicable diseases to a certain extent, the advent of highly sophisticated diagnostic measures and vaccines with exorbitant rates have made healthcare unaffordable for common man. Santhigiri runs more than 100 hospitals across the country which serve both urban and rural population. The continuous efforts of our medical fraternities and scientists have helped us to develop a comprehensive healthcare system, which is preventive in nature and affordable to the common man with zero percent side effects. Some of the activities of ashram are: santhigiri baalkshema yojana (programme for child healthcare & malnutrition) santhigiri yuvajana kshema pariyojana (skill development programme for unemployed youths from delhi, ncr & other remote areas of north india) santhigiri yoga vigyan kendra (training and orientation program in yoga & meditation as preventive health care) santhigiri karunyam (adoption of villages in rural areas of delhi & ncr) project objective promoting preventive healthcare using indian systems of medicines (ayush) by adopting villages in rural areas of delhi & ncr providing awareness programme about natural raw food & ayurveda to women and supply of ayurveda medicines kit especially for school children to get rid of malnutrition skill development programmes for unemployed youths by setting up an ayurveda panchakarma training institute. Setting up of a yoga & meditation hall to conduct demonstration of yoga classes mainly focused on posture and stress related disorders and diseases. Setting up of an ayurveda & siddha research center (clinical)in delhi. Environment sustainability afforestation program setting up of herbal gardens in schools to preserve the ecology. Goal facilitate and promote preventive healthcare based on indian systems of medicines to achieve the complete health (mental, physical & spiritual) for all those suffering from lack of medical facilities and also to provide livelihood for the unemployed youths in rural india. The proposed project will be bound to provide the service free of cost to the bpl category. As we expand our activities across Indiawe have felt the need for major centre in the national capital which will coordinate all the research activities. Beneficiaries of the proposal malnourished children studying in govt schools of delhi & ncr. Health care of bhiwadi, a village in the ncr, by creating awareness about preventive healthcare, malnutrition and by promoting environmental sustainability and programmes on yoga, naturopathy and cleanliness. Skill development programmes for unemployed youths in delhi, ncr & other parts of north india. Providing free treatment to patients suffering from chronic illness who will be identified from our community intervention programmes. Research will be conducted at the center on the data base collected from the above activities. Beneficiaries of the proposal malnourished children studying in govt schools of delhi & ncr. Health care of bhiwadi, a village in the ncr, by creating awareness about preventive healthcare, malnutrition and by promoting environmental sustainability and programmes on yoga, naturopathy and cleanliness. Skill development programmes for unemployed youths in delhi, ncr & other parts of north india. Providing free treatment to patients suffering from chronic illness who will be identified from our community intervention programmes. Research will be conducted at the center on the data base collected from the above activities. Beneficiaries of the proposal malnourished children studying in govt schools of delhi & ncr. Health care of bhiwadi, a village in the ncr, by creating awareness about preventive healthcare, malnutrition and by promoting environmental sustainability and programmes on yoga, naturopathy and cleanliness. Skill development programmes for unemployed youths in delhi, ncr & other parts of north india. Providing free treatment to patients suffering from chronic illness who will be identified from our community intervention programmes. Research will be conducted at the center on the data base collected from the above activities.

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