Nirbal Jan Sahyog Smitiihar, Delhi

Add : B-91-92, Gali-12, Das Garden, Baprola Vihar
Tel :
Mobile : 88020 05977, 88020 07988
Website :
Contact Person : Akhilesh Kumar
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission is the education & to develop the skill among the weaker sections of the society, & to eliminate the level of the unemployment from the nation. The organization is working on the principle of rural construction establishment of the self-governance and self reliance among poorer. The weaker and oppressed section of the society has been the fundamental motivating forces for the organization. The organization believes in the organic & inorganic of an individual and the community, through increased exposure and the development of core competency, there by leading to the development of intrinsic skills and managerial capabilities. Sc, st and the obc section of the society that have been deprived of their development rights are the key target group of organization. The child s labour, those are living in the subsistence farming adversely affected by nature and the man made climates. The woman and the children, who deprived of their development rights, education, health, employment, women development, and entrepreneurship development, are the key issues of the organization. We are an organization intending to work for the betterment of our nation. We have several aims and goals which are embodied in our motto and which our dedicated team strives for.

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