Mata Pita Samman Sewa Trust, Delhi

Add : G-265, Phase-6, Aya Nagar
New Delhi
Tel :
Mobile : 98102 34047
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Contact Person : Pooja D Sharma
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Community Development, Old Aged Welfare, Rehabilitation, Social Awareness, Yoga The Focus Of Mata Pita Samman Sewa Trust Has Been To Look After The Aged A Vulnerable Section Of Society.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Mata pita samman sewa trust (mpsst) was registered in Delhi under the trust registration act on december 24, 2007. In today’s increasingly dynamic, fast moving, inter-connected and educated world, ironically it has been observed that our senior citizens are being left behind in respect of their care and due respects. Their own children, legal heirs and kins are by and large behaving indifferently to the needs/care of their own senior citizens. Social moral values in these regards are unfortunately showing downward trends. Old parents are becoming kinless in their own world. No wonder, why the corporate social responsibilities in today s corporate sector, along with various governmental and non-governmental activities in this regard are increasing day by day. It appears that despite the numerous steps being taken by different bodies, there is a lot yet to be done to save our old age people. Mata pita samman sewa trust was established in the year 2007 as another step in this direction to take care of our senior citizens. Our mission and vision is swasth samaj ki hai pahchaan

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