Let The Spirit Move, New Delhi

Add : 8-451, Dakshinpuri
New Delhi
Tel : 011-26055260
Mobile : 99996 27260
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Erick Seraphin
Purpose : Education, Employment, Governance Working For Human Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : We want to continue the work of Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekananda are started. They have work for the betterment of society. Our aim and mission is same. To bring peace, joy and happiness in the life of a needy person. Which is possible through education, better job as l sound financial background. Create or generate source of income. Establish small industry like home made article, which give income to people. Whatever profit will come. We will utilized or invest for growth and education. When we have healthy mind and body. Then we can thinks of next. Though it is very challenging but not impossible.

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