Centre For Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM), Delhi
Add : M-3/22, Model Town, Delhi
Tel : 011-27442744
Mobile : 98104 48008
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.nacdor.org.in
Contact Person : Ashok Kumar Bharati
Purpose : Impowerment Of Dalit And Adivasi Community.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision of Centre For Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM) emanates from our understanding of the shortcomings of our society and is worded as building a prabuddha samaj (enlightened society) based on the principles of freedom, dignity, fraternity, justice, equality, ecological balance and active peace, where all have equal rights over resources and services of every kind, without any discrimination on the basis of caste, class, race, gender, age, religion, abilities, regions, language or property and human rights of all are equally respected and there is no place for exploitation or oppression. Mission the mission of centre for alternative dalit media is to build a strong social movement of dalits and other disadvantaged sections of india, which can re-structure the existing social-economic-political-cultural structures in line with the aspirations and dreams of dalits and disadvantaged communities.
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