Association For Environment of Development Research, New Delhi

Add : 204a, Narmada Apt., Block 10, Vasant Kunj
Tel :
Mobile : 98107 40114
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Contact Person : M M A Beg
Purpose : Development (General), Economics And Finance, Environment, Fair Trade, Pollution, Research, Rural Development, Society And Economy, Sustainable Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : AEDR is a non-profit organisation with the objective of conducting and disseminating studies relating to India’s economic and social development with special reference to their interaction with environmental factors. It is a venture of a group of academics, journalists and environmentalists with a special interest in studies relating to environmental and developmental issues. In particular AEDR will conduct studies relating to: environmental impact of economic development. Designing of appropriate policies for maintaining the environment during the process of development. Analysis of propagation of suitable environmental and resource use policies. Examination of the effect of different economic policies on the environment. The interaction of use of natural resources, environmental policies and poverty. Adoption of appropriate policies for elimination of poverty. Analysis of economic policies for sustainable development. The effect of international trade on the environment. Emerging international environmental policies particularly with reference to their linkage with trade rules.

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