Al-Huda Foundation, New Delhi
Add : C-81 Abul Fazal Enlave-I, Jamia Nagar
New Delhi
Tel :
Mobile : 98739 55984
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Suhaib Akhtar
Purpose : Education, Food And Nutrition, Health, Shelter Home, Water.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Organize, establish, run and administer institutions and centers at various places in order to promote and impart primary, secondary, higher and technical education to students of all communities in general and to the children belonging to minority community in particular under the provision of article 30 of the constitution of india. Establish and manage drugs (medicines) information centers and services, especially for poor people. Provide free counseling to the drug addicted people specially addicted to narcotic drugs and alcohol and establish de-addiction centers. To provide ambulance services specially for poor people. To open health centers, hospitals and nursing homes and also to give aids to such institutions. To provide better drinking water resources and health package specially to people belonging to poor families. To establish and solve the sanitary problem faced by backward and poor families.
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